The Portal Box project is a do-it-yourself option for equipment access control designed for small shops and makerspaces. If you manage a makerspace or shop and want to provide access control, log use, and manage permissions on equipment please continue reading. This site provides the information needed to build a working Portal Box system. However only information is provided – no kits, parts, or complete units nor offer any sort of services such as consulting, coding, site hosting, or debugging are available. Also note that the implementation of the Portal Box system is up to the user and this site assumes no liability for the use or misuse of the information provided.
The Portal Box system consists of physical access points (glowing acrylic boxes) that control access to pieces of equipment. Users are assigned inexpensive RFID cards; inserting the card in a Portal Box will grant access to the equipment connected to the Portal Box if the user is authorized. The color the box glows indicates the authorization status. The video below gives a brief overview of the Portal Box system.
Brief Overview
Each Portal Box contains a Raspberry Pi, RFID card reader, individually controllable LEDs, power, and switching. The RPi runs Python to control functions and is connected via WiFi to a SQL database that stores user’s information. The Portal Box controls access by switching power on and off (up to 15A), enabling/disabling any interlocks built into the equipment (external connection required), or blocking USB connectivity until a user is authenticated. Each user has their own Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card that will allow them to access any machine they are authorized to use.
Once portal boxes are set up on a piece of equipment the managers of a space control access to that equipment by changes to a database made through a user-friendly web portal. Managers can change a user’s status, add new users or pieces of equipment, or download information on what equipment was used and when. That latter information is very helpful for monitoring space usage and equipment maintenance schedules over time. Portal boxes allow for different card types to be created, multiple pieces of equipment to be accessed by a user simultaneously, and have features to support training new users.
The Portal Box project was designed so portal boxes can be built by anyone that has access to tools found in many Makerspaces (laser cutter, 3D printer, soldering, CAD software). You can also download the files and get parts made for you. All the code needed for each individual Portal Box can be downloaded as well as the database and code for the server Portal Boxes connect to. The Portal Box project is open source and we encourage others to improve upon or build in new features. We do not sell Portal Boxes or run a cloud server.
Additionally the Portal Box was designed for makerspace managers to monitor their environment; the Portal Box shows use status of equipment by changing color, allowing managers to easily see unauthorized use. The Portal box is not designed to be fully secure and can be bypassed. Adding features like locked cord caps was burdensome, so the Portal Box should not be used where high security is desired.
Getting Started
The links below go to information on how to set up your own Portal Box system. Each page provides an overview and links to detailed instructions and files. These files and instructions will allow you to set up and use a Portal Box in your space, build new Portal Boxes, and set up the server and web infrastructure (database and web front end) on a local or cloud server. While setting up a Portal Box system is not a project for beginners, experienced makerspace and shop operators will not find it overly difficult. Although access to electronic and mechanical fabrication and assembly equipment is required, your local area likely has businesses that can fabricate needed parts.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.